Guiding Principles for Developing Leaders, 2

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Guiding Principles for Developing Leaders, 2


2 Timothy | Study Guide & Book

The Apostle Paul knowing that his time was short wrote this second letter to Timothy, as a follow up letter from a Roman prison. Paul restates his apostleship, not for rank, but rather that he might/should be heard. Paul mentioned his commitment to God, the gospel, the church and to Timothy his beloved son in the Faith. Paul’s affection for Timothy is seen in his dedication to pray for him and his earnest desire to see him again. Paul encourages Timothy to stir up the gift of God that was in him, and to not be ashamed of the gospel. To be an example in word and deed. To hold on tight to sound doctrine(teaching) received from Paul. To be strong, don’t quit. To study the word for wisdom and stability. To know that perilous times are coming, (3:1-9)but to be ready to preach the word even if they don’t want to hear it! Paul ends this letter with his Valedictorian conviction, “I have fought a good fight. I have finished my race, I have kept the faith and I am awaiting my crown”
Let’s follow Paul’s example as we labor towards those eternal words, “Well done My good and faithful servant, enter in…!” 2 Tim.1:1,3,12; 2:1,2, 11-13; 4:17

Michael Edwards Th. D
Pastoral and Leadership Ministry since 1970

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