Saved, Suffered, & Still a Redeeming Force

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Saved, Suffered, & Still a Redeeming Force


1 Peter | Study Guide & Work Book

Oh, how timely The Book of 1Peter is for our day. Holy Spirit inspired words of encouragement and hope that will sustain us in and through every fire-filled test and trial. This letter is a message to be read and embraced by believers everywhere, who are facing and will face trails and tests, to continue practicing faithfulness! This letter lets us know we are expected to maintain a disposition as saints before a world that grows more and more hostile toward the believers. Studying through 1Peter will increase your historical and cultural perspective, while at the same time, cause you to perceive it’s absolute relevancy for life today. There are a host of exhortations for guidance, faith, practice, our responsibilities toward government, employers, each other, the appropriate dispositions wives are to husbands, husbands to wives, yes, and even pastors to church members.

Michael Edwards Th. D
Pastoral and Leadership Ministries since 1970

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